Privacy statement

The Institute of Translation and Interpreting Medical and Pharmaceutical Network (ITIMedNet) treats the privacy of its members, non-members who attend our events and visitors to our website very seriously, and we take appropriate security measures to safeguard their privacy.

This privacy notice explains how and why we collect personal data, how we use them, the limited conditions under which we may disclose the data to others and how we keep data secure. If you have any questions regarding this privacy notice and our privacy practices, or to request a copy of, or deletion or correction of the data we hold on you, please contact ITIMedNet’s membership secretary and data protection officer Anne Claydon-Wallace at If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office, with which ITIMedNet is registered.

Who we are

ITIMedNet is a Subject Network associated with the UK-based Institute of Translation and Interpreting (ITI), composed of a group of translators and interpreters who have or are seeking to gain expertise in the fields of medicine and/or all aspects of the pharmaceutical industry. It is run by a committee of volunteers (Committee) and the current membership is about 250. The purpose of ITIMedNet is to provide mutual professional support and assistance to its members.

Why we collect personal data

We collect personal information submitted by our members about themselves, and on members and non-members who attend the events we organise, in order to provide membership services, to help members contact each other, share knowledge about medical translation or interpreting and offer their services to the public via our website, to run ITIMedNet, and to organise our events. We will never use your data for any other purposes without first obtaining your consent.

How we collect personal data

The personal information ITIMedNet collects on its members consists of the information they provide: on this website and our e-groups; in correspondence with the Committee; and when they apply to participate in an event, mentoring scheme or bursary scheme we organise.

The types of personal data we collect

ITIMedNet requires contact details and subscription information concerning our members in order to inform them of our activities and administer their membership. Although members are not obliged to be members of ITI, we also require information about their ITI membership status in order to comply with ITI’s bylaws and may need to check with the member and ITI that this information is up-to-date and matches ITI’s records. We require banking details on anyone who claims ITIMedNet funds.

Members who apply to join our Business e-group are asked to provide a few details about their business to determine their eligibility for this particular e-group, which is not open to ITIMedNet members whose business or employer employs the services of other ITIMedNet members. We also ask applicants how they found out about ITIMedNet, purely for the Committee’s interest.

The rest of the information members provide is used to create their profile in our Member Directory, to facilitate contact between current ITIMedNet members, and to enable eligible members to offer their services to the public via the Public Directory of our website.

We collect additional information from event participants that we require to organise the event. This includes information about food allergies, which we pass on, without identifying the person, to the caterers. This is “special category personal data”, which we obtain with participants’ consent to protect their health. We delete these data immediately after the event. We may take photographs at events to post on the News page of our website and our Twitter account but do not name photographed individuals in these posts. Names may be displayed with photos posted in the members-only areas of our website.

The information members share with other ITIMedNet members by posting on our e-groups is backed up by the Committee in an electronic archive in case our e-group provider loses ITIMedNet’s data or ceases operation.

Legal basis

ITIMedNet processes personal data in order to provide membership services and organise events for registered participants, which in both cases constitutes processing to fulfil a contract.


Cookies are small data files created by a website and stored on your computer or mobile device. We use cookies to analyse user traffic and to keep you logged in while you browse ITIMedNet’s website.

Security of personal data

The information that ITIMedNet holds concerning members in electronic form or paper documents is stored securely and processed by authorised members of the ITIMedNet Committee within the UK or the EU, strictly in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). All Committee members sign a confidentiality and security agreement. We use GDPR-compliant service providers to organise our events, collect subscription payments and run this website.

How long we keep your personal data

ITIMedNet holds members’ personal data in our website database only for as long as they remain a member. They can delete their data and account at any time in the Settings area of their profile. Any electronic or paper documents generated to help us provide other ITIMedNet services, such as an event or mentoring, will be destroyed by the latest 2 years after the contract has been fulfilled. Only our Treasurer will hold any financial data you provide and for a maximum of 7 years, in line with UK tax legislation.

Your email correspondence with ITIMedNet will not be shared with any third parties. It is archived, but you have the right to contact Committee members at any time to ask them to delete any stored emails received from you.

Members’ e-group posts are held by the e-group provider (Oath) and ITIMedNet beyond the duration of their membership, until our e-groups or ITIMedNet cease to operate, as a permanent resource on medical translation to which future members can refer. While still subscribed to the e-group, members can delete their own posts via the e-group’s web page. Thereafter, they can ask the Committee to delete posts if they can provide sufficient information to enable their identification. They can also ask the Committee to delete identified posts from the back-up archive.

Who has access to your personal data

Some information in members’ profiles on our website is visible to all current members of ITIMedNet and to the public for those members who hold MITI- or FITI-level membership of ITI and wish to be included in our Public Directory. Members can amend or delete the information in their profile themselves at any time and choose the privacy level of every item of information they provide via the “Edit my profile” page of this website.

The Committee Treasurer will have access to certain financial information you have provided if you claim funds from ITIMedNet.

Personal data members include in posts to our e-groups are emailed to all current members of our e-groups and accessible by members from the e-group archives.

We use service providers to help us manage ITIMedNet and deliver services to members and event participants. To do this, they may have access to some of the data we hold. These service providers are a website host, a web developer, our bank, PayPal, EventBrite, an e-group provider, and event venues.

Your rights as a data subject

If we collect and store your data, you have the following rights under the GDPR:

  • The right to be informed. The aim of this privacy notice is to tell you how ITIMedNet collects and uses personal data.
  • The right of access. You have the right to contact us at any time to request a copy of the data we hold about you. We will respond within one month, as laid down by the GDPR from the point of receiving the request and all the necessary information from you. Members have access to the information held on them in the website database via their profile on this website.
  • The right to rectification and the right to erasure. Members can correct or delete the data in their profile themselves. You can also ask us to correct information about you that is inaccurate or to remove any or all data about you from our systems. We will respond to requests for rectification or erasure within one month of receipt of the request.
  • The right to restrict processing of your data and the right to object. You can ask us to restrict our processing of your personal data or object to such processing.
  • The right to data portability. The right to data portability does not apply to organisations such as ITIMedNet, but we can certainly give you a copy of the data we hold on you. Members can also generate a copy of all the data held on them in our database via the Settings area of their profile.
  • Rights related to automated decision making including profiling. We do not use automated decision making or profiling.

Changes to this privacy notice

We keep this privacy notice under regular review and update it here as required. Members will be informed of any substantial changes through a Special Notice on our e-group or by email. This privacy notice was last updated in April 2019.